Monday, January 30, 2006

back on track

boyfriend, who's in grad school in NY, was here for the weekend, so there wasn't much time or inclination for blogging - when we're together, we tend to spend a lot of time reading/working, or getting out of the house by walking around the neighborhood, or playing computer games. We did make an amusing trip to Wilmington, DE to see a friend's band perform -- all I can say is that there are way more hip and happening cities in which to spend a Saturday night, plus the band had some tuning issues, but it was good to see them nonetheless.

Now I'm preparing for another shortened week of class and reading. I'm getting slightly desperate for something to relieve the monotony that occurs when he leaves and I'm still reading in my room. Ah, perhaps blogthings.

As for haggis: take a sheep's stomach. fill with assorted meaty things. boil. the one I ate (part of) Wednesday night was not homemade. It tasted like a dense, heavily spiced meatloaf.

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