Thursday, February 09, 2006

we are all nerds here

A comment-conversation with Lucy has made me want to write about nerdiness. Don't have time right now, but as a preview, witness a brief moment from the conversation had over beers last night after choir rehearsal.

Young Soprano
British Bass

BB is in the bathroom. Kermit and YS talk about their taste in men. YS turns out to have a taste that closely describes BB (tall, skinny, nerdy-looking, "not Jewish" [in reaction to her family, and particularly to her sister's becoming more Jewish and marrying an Orthodox man]). Kermit makes a movie character analogy to which YS agrees.

BB returns, and asks what we've come up with. There is a suspicious pause.

BB: Well, you don't *have* to tell me.
Kermit: Um, I think we decided that in Ghostbusters, we'd go for Harold Ramis over Bill Murray.
BB: Oh, I don't think I've seen Ghostbusters.

Yeah, when I was a little tadpole, I kind of liked Harold Ramis. As I said before: we are all nerds here.

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