Monday, April 17, 2006

Recall Angst

Dear Person From Whom I Just Recalled a Book,

Please forgive me for recalling [Book by French Theorist] this afternoon. I realize that recalling [BbFT] makes me a rotten person, as we have more than one method of obtaining books from other libraries without forcing people like you to empty their overflowing bookshelves. In my defense, let me state that method 1 failed, and method 2 is notoriously unreliable in its delivery schedule. You're method 3.

Speaking of delivery schedule, I need [BbFT] kinda soon. You may, like me, be tempted to hold onto it for the full 10 days you are permitted before returning it, just to show the fucker who recalled it [me] you're not so easily pushed around. But, PFWIJRB, when I did it, it was because some dumbass recalled *my* specific copy of [Book by Other French Intellectual], when there were three other copies sitting on the shelf. And it was in the middle of the semester. This situation is completely different - I need [BbFT] for a seminar paper due in a couple of weeks, and there really aren't that many copies out there. So be a pal and return it tomorrow, even Wednesday? I'll do the same for you one day.

Yours in shame and groveling,


Chaser said...

Once when I was in grad school, I recalled a book that my officemate was using. We realized this when he was ranting, "HOW many people on campus could POSSIBLY want a book on environmental theory written in 1972? Hunh? What the f--". I had to debate whether I was going to tell him or not.

I did; we just kept the book in the office.

luckybuzz said...

I've totally recalled books from myself too....

kermitthefrog said...

ha -- I heard that from someone in my department office yesterday too. I think the limited book space I have has thus far prevented me from doing that (knock wood)...